Let’s Talk

The podcast for educators by educators.

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Meet Brian, Sharon and Jeremy, the founders of Brown Book Software. With a combined 60 years of experience in higher education, this team has developed a powerful yet intuitive online platform for experiential program administration.

Hear what the Brown Book software team has found to be most effective in streamlining and consolidating business processes so experiential program management is easier to manage and consistent across campus.

Learn the importance of having all relevant student information at your fingertips at every stage of their experiential education adventure. Peace of mind comes when you can reach students anywhere in the world at a moment’s notice.

Hear how universities assess their experiential education programs, continually improve their data collection and reporting capabilities, and use the tools from Brown Book Software to insure reliable, consistent internal processes.

Federal regulations take effect in July of 2020. Learn how the Experiential Learning Inventory from Brown Book Software simplifies compliance and reporting so your university saves time, money and human resources.