Meet the Team

  • Brian has glasses, a beard, and is wearing a button up and sweater.

    Brian W. Brown


    Brian has over 34 years of experience in technology and 24 years of experience in higher education. In that time he has served as an Director of IT, Systems Administrator, and Network Engineer. His educational background is in mathematics and the study of chaotic dynamical systems.

    For the last 13 years, Brian has collaborated with Jeremy and Sharon to help realize a technical solution to improve experiential learning and codify best practices in its management. His goal for Brown Book Software is to foster the creation of user-first solutions that provide the data and insight required in the most frictionless way possible.

  • Sharon has shoulder-length hair and is wearing a cardigan and necklace.

    Sharon Jensen


    Sharon has more years than she likes to admit in higher education. Her start was in university housing and residence life. She found her longer-term calling in university career services working with students in the sciences, humanities, and liberal arts as a career counselor enhancing career readiness. It was her passion for experiential learning that caught the attention of campus leadership.  

    For 13 years, Sharon devoted her professional endeavors to the management of and the standardization of experiential learning practices across disciplines. She worked to bring a campus community together in consensus for consistency and best practices in policy, streamlined approval flows, placed assurances for compliance to campus, state, and national standards for internships, practica, field experiences, clinicals, and student teaching.

    Currently, Sharon works in the Registrar’s Office for a mid-sized institution. Reducing student time to degree completion through course development and marketing of summer courses and University’s classroom seat management strategies are her focus.

  • Jeremy has a beard and is wearing a button up and blazer.

    Jeremy Booker


    Jeremy has more than a decade of experience in technology and higher education. During that time he has focused on designing and implementing enterprise-grade solutions to help colleagues and students.

    Jeremy earned both a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science degree from Appalachian State University. He also earned a Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics in 2017.